
Canto Andaluz

Este mural es una alegoría a las tierras que baña elmediterráneo, a sus playas, sus montañas, suscielos, y su gente. Los claveles no solo son lasflores españolas por excelencia, sino que ademássimbolizan la pasión, el afecto, anhelo y el amor, yhan estado presentes en el arte desde el siglo XVpor su versatilidad y significado. Así pues, alrepresentarlas en este mural, las muestro como uncanto de la tierra andaluza, de su pasión por lavida, de la hermandad entre sus habitantes, lagratitud, sus romances y su compromiso. Es unatierraoportunidades para todos y por ellomismo es que entre los claveles representodiversas especies, pues habla de lamulticulturalidad que envuelve esta región y que,además, mantiene fuertes sus tradiciones ycostumbres.


This mural is an allegory to the lands that bathe the Mediterranean, its beaches, its mountains, its skies, and its people. Carnations are not only the Spanish flowers par excellence, but they also symbolize passion, affection, longing and love, and have been present in art since the 15th century due to their versatility and meaning. Thus, by representing them in this mural, I show them as a song of the Andalusian land, of its passion for life, of the brotherhood between its inhabitants, gratitude, its romances and its commitment. It is a land of opportunities for everyone and that is why among the carnations I represent diverse species, as it speaks of the multiculturalism that surrounds this region and that, in addition, keeps its traditions and customs strong.

Created on November 25, 2023
C/ de la Paz, 8, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga, Spain
Hunted by Tiny Tim.

Marker details

Camera usedOnePlus 10 Pro
Date created2023-11-25T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork