--Demloished October 2020--<br/>Giant letters to mark 2020, because it's not only Corona / Covid that counts in 2020. To quote the artist: 'Unfortunately I still felt the need to paint this in 2020'. You cannot miss this as it's 44m long and 5m high.<br/> Alongside this message you see some results from the Keizerpoort jam.<br/> <br/> Part of the project Keizerpoort by Wallin' with support from Cultuur Gent.
Hunted by Ferdinand Feys. Pictures by Mr. Leenknecht - Ferdinand Feys / Street Art Ghent, Lobster Robin & Solid - Ferdinand Feys / Street Art Ghent, Cee Pil - Ferdinand Feys / Street Art Ghent, SIMO - Ferdinand Feys / Street Art Ghent.