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Created on August 31, 2017
Rue Spintay 52, 4800 Verviers, België

Dire Nous

The ‘Dire Nous’ (‘Say it’) project brings together several partners including the Maison des Jeunes des Récollets and the city of Verviers.

These frescoes were placed on the wall bases of two buildings that were renovated by the city in the derelict Rue Spintay. This was done with European funds and subsidies from the Walloon Region.

These buildings, among other things, housed the services of the city's 'Plan de Prévention'. This is the basis for the social workers who are committed to supporting the residents by listening, talking, informing and guiding. The 'Plan de Prévention' aims to improve the quality of life for those who need it. The range of services is varied and can range from help with drug addiction, to ex-prisoners through mediation to finding a place to live, providing food and individual counseling.

There is no direct link between these services and the fresco unless the quotations from 'Dire Nous' argue for a society of solidarity and respect. The cheerful color and the imaginative images underline the positive aspect of this message.

Polina Stoyanova, Natasa Konjevic, José Carvalho, Julien Demelenne—Dire NousPolina Stoyanova, Natasa Konjevic, José Carvalho, Julien Demelenne—Dire Nous
Hunted by Jan Rymenams.
Pictures by Jan Rymenams.

Marker details

Date created2017-08-31T22:00:00.000Z
OrganizationDire Nous
Marker typeartwork