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Created on March 20, 2023
Podmurna 56, 87-100 Toruń, Polonia

Torun city map from 1652

The painting shows a plan of Toruń according to Matthäus Merian from his work "Teatrum Europaeum", 1652. It is accompanied by a small excerpt from Zbigniew Herbert's poem "Three Poems from Memory": 
...The city stands over water as smooth as the memory of a mirror....
While this refers to Troy, it is unclear whether this metaphor was not created by Herbert during his studies at the University of Torun.
Unknown - Toruń—Torun city map from 1652Unknown - Toruń—Torun city map from 1652
Hunted by Justyna Wenecka.
Pictures by Justyna Wenecka.

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