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Created on November 25, 2024
1433-164 Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Star balloons AR

별빛 내린 천 내린 AR 트릭아트 포토존 별빛 처 Android ios QR코드 또는 Play스도어, 앱스토어에서 '스펀지AR' 검색 후 다운 받으세요. 6 SCAL Play스토어, 염스토어에서 '스펀지AR' 검색 후 다운 받으세요. 또는, QR코드를 스캔하여 어들을 다운로드 하세요. 다운 받은 어플을 실행 하세요. 어글을 통해 트릭아트를 촬영하면 AR영상을 볼 수 있습니다. < SFUNGE · AR 사용시 주의사항> SFUNGE AR 증강현실 트릭아드를 사용하시려면 SFUNGE AR 어들을 실행해야 합니다! 카메라 인식에 다소 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 조명에 따라 인식이 느린 경우가 있으니 순서내로 따라해 주세요. 1) 가로로 촬영해 주세요. 2) 정확한 포도존 위치에서 어를을 실행하세요. 3) 카에라를 화면이 급히 움직이면 안식이 잘 되지 않습니다. 4) AR영상이 나오지 않을 경우 왼쪽이나 오른쪽으로 비춰 초점을 맞추고 천천히 그림에 가져가세요.

'SpongeAR' in the Starlight Trick Art Photo Zone 'Starlight Trick Art' in the Androidios QR code or Playdoor, App Store, and download it. 6 Search 'SpongeAR' in the SCAL Play Store, Yeom Store, and download it. Alternatively, scan the QR code to download the app. Run the downloaded app. You can watch AR videos by shooting trick art through Uggles. <SFUNGE · Precautions when Using AR> To use the SFUNGE AR augmented reality trick ad, you need to run the SFUNGE AR word! Camera recognition may take some time. Please follow it in order because recognition may be slow depending on the lighting. 1) Please take a horizontal photo. 2) Run the word in the correct grape zone location. 3) If the screen moves in a hurry, it is not easy to rest the kaera. 4) If you don't see an AR video, focus it on the left or right side and take your time to take it to the picture.

AR Trick Art FotoZone, bajo la luz de las estrellas, código QR de Andróides Starlight o Playassdoor, busquen y descarguen 'SpongeAR' en la App Store. 6 SCAL Play Store, busca 'SpongeAR' en la tienda de salsas y descargue. O escanea el código QR para descargarlos. y ejecute la aplicación descargada. Si tomas Tricket a través de Google, puedes ver el video AR. <Precaución al usar SFUNGE· ¡Si quieres usar el truco de realidad aumentada de SFUNGE AR, tienes que ejecutar el lenguaje SFUNGE AR! La percepción de la cámara puede tardar un tiempo. Hay ocasiones en las que la percepción es lenta dependiendo de la iluminación, así que por favor, siga el orden. 1) Tómame en horizontal, por favor. 2) Ejecute el pescado en la ubicación exacta de la zona de uvas. 3) Si la pantalla se mueve de prisa hacia la Ciera, no se puede descansar bien. 4) Si el video AR no aparece, ilumínalo a la izquierda o a la derecha para enfocarlo y llevarlo lentamente al cuadro.


Unknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons ARUnknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons ARUnknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons ARUnknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons ARUnknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons ARUnknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons ARUnknown - Gwanak&mdash;Star balloons AR
Hunted by Kato.

Marker details

Date created
Camera usedApple iPhone 13 Pro Max
Marker typeartwork
CountryKorea, Republic of