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Created on January 30, 2025
Piața Unirii 5, Iași 700056, Romania

I am enaugh

Following the two artistic interventions realized by Pisica Pătrată in Constanta and SANDi & OANA in Brasov, the Un-hidden Romania programme is expanding to Iasi. With the support of Artipic Association, the urban regeneration through art programme inaugurates a new multidisciplinary work created for public space, co-produced by Bea Hopes (mural painting) and Bucurie (audio composition).

The mural by Bea Hopes proposes an antithesis between the real and virtual environments, Through a series of graphic elements and colour combinations, passers-by are invited to discover a fragment of Mihaela Runceanu’s song “E-adevarat, iubirea mea“. (It's true, my love)

The artistic intervention is displayed in the centre of Iasi, on the façade of the Unirea Hotel. By scanning the QR code embedded in the artwork, urban explorers can listen to the audio composition created by artist Bucurie for this work.

Bea Hopes—I am enaughBea Hopes—I am enaughBea Hopes—I am enaughBea Hopes—I am enaughBea Hopes—I am enaugh
Hunted by Feeder .

Marker details

Date created
Artwork typeMural
Artist nationalityRomanian
OrganizationSave or Cancel, feeder, Un-Hidden Romania
Marker typeartwork