🏆 Vote for the best murals of 2024


Rianxo (España)

Since 2009 I have been working in the field of graphic image and mural painting for individuals, companies and institutions. Since then, I have developed a pictorial line inspired by sequential narrative and popular art, intervening in all kinds of spaces and surfaces for different clients and audiences. My artistic work ranges from illustration to design, from scenography to large-scale murals in public spaces (houses and building walls). My work can be seen in cities and towns in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Mexico and the USA. I have received scholarships for artistic creation in Cordoba (Spain), Angouleme (France) and Guadalajara (Mexico). In the latter, I completed my training at the University Centre of Art, Architecture and Design (CUAAD). My first solo exhibition took place at the Apollinaire Gallery in May 2016. My artistic work is strongly influenced by the ocean and small-scale fishing. I grew up among boats and nets in Rianxo, a small village in Galicia on the northwest coast of Spain. My whole family has been directly related to fishing. That universe was the foundation for developing my activity.

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