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Jabi Corte

Born in 1984
31620 Huarte (España)
Pamplona (España)

I work as a freelance artist in several sectors such as mural painting, fine arts, urban art, decoration and illustration. I was born in Pamplona, l've lived in Spain (Huarte and Vitoria) and Germany (Göttingen, Bremen and Rheinberg). My work evolved to a crossing art of graphic design, graffiti and fine arts since 2002. This fusion gave birth to the artist Corte, and under my name, I continue developing my craft in those three ways of expression in my commissioned works and personal art: the wall, the canvas and the screen. In the year 2004 I started to organise Cantamañanas International Urban Art Festival in my hometown, becoming the longest graffiti festival in Spain with 20 editions. I have travelled to different european countries to graffiti and urban art festivals, art shows and other cultural projects. Together with some old friends, in 2011 we created Deltadec, a creative Studio focused on design corporate identity and global decoration as well. Today, I keep my eyes open, my feet moving as my hands are busy and my brain working... always trying to balance a fully life with constant creative evolution. I hope to see you on the streets, Internet or galleries.

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