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Alessandro Etsom

Born in 1994
Bergamo BG (Italia)
Milano MI (Italia)

Alessandro Conti was born in Bergamo in 1994. Always passionate about drawing, he obtained the title of Master of Art at the Andrea Fantoni School of Art and subsequently the diploma. During the years of study he acquired the technical skills necessary to trace a path marked by craftsmanship, continually stimulated by tireless research. Since 2015, the Etsom signature has represented a renewed artistic personality and a matured awareness of one's role in dialogue with the public. Today the spray is the main medium within an artistic production that embraces the whole national territory and beyond, in collaboration with public and private bodies, companies and agencies, municipalities and realities active in the social sector. Large-scale mural works and communication projects linked to public art continually find new applications, aiming at dialogue with the observer and with the place that hosts them. Artist and professional in his own field, Etsom takes care of image and message with great versatility that has convinced important national and international brands to rely on him for the realization of interventions of various kinds.

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